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Will you keep giving your hard earned money away? Will you continue to pay some attorney to relay to a judge what you want to say? If this is you, there's an attorney born every minute who will take your money to make phone calls, faxes, do some foot work, and state your case to a judge, but can't you do that? Can't you place a call, have an office supply store send a fax, go into a courthouse and grab some forms, have someone stamp them at the courthouse, make copies of those forms for all parties involved, and tell the judge what's bothering you? These steps can save you thousands and thousands of dollars if you have young children and an ex. Unrepresented can show you how to dismiss an attorney and start from the beginning on your case, even if you are in the middle of your case.

For more information and more in depth step by step instructions get How to Take Your Ex to Court Without Representation.

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